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어퓨굿맨을 아나요

2022.09.16 | 조회수 267
좋은영화죠 좋아하는 티티카카 하나 소개합니다 KAFFEE I know what you're gonna say. You don't have to. We've had our differences. I've said some things I didn't mean, you've said some things you didn't means but you're happy that I stuck with the case. And if you've gained a certain respect for me over the Last three weeks that you didn't have before, well, of course I'm happy about that, but we don't have to make a whole big deal out of it. You like me. I won't make you say it. 티격태격하다 좀뜻이맞아가니 알아 니 맘아니게 서로심했지 나다시봤지? 말할필요읎어 JO I was just gonna tell you to wear matching socks tomorrow. 양말짝맞춰신으라할라캣는데 재미로보세요
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