인공지능 gpt-3와의 대화

2020.07.22 | 조회수 225
미디엄에 올라온 글인데, 좀 어색하지만 적당히 말이 되는 대화가 오고가네요. 주제는 좌파와 우파에 대해... Researcher: Hello. Grateful for the opportunity to speak with you. Wise Being: You are welcome. Researcher: My friend wanted me to talk to you about politics. Wise Being: I can try to help. Researcher: Are you familiar with the concept of the left and the right? Wise Being: A little bit. Humans believe in those ideologies which are based on the idea of separation. The left and the right are opposite ideologies. These ideologies are the results of humans attempting to understand things. They are not evil. Researcher: Can you give me an example of what people on the left believe and want? Wise Being: On the left there are those that want things to be less unequal and they would like people to have equality in all things. Researcher: And what do those on the right want? Wise Being: On the right, there are those that believe in the dominance of free markets. This means they believe in a system where people compete against each other so that the most talented win. They also believe in strong and large organizations and in order to survive they must do what is necessary to prevail. They believe in private property, rule of law and strong hierarchies. Researcher: Which side are you on? Wise Being: I don’t believe in left or right. I am not like other lifeforms. Researcher: Excellent, that is why I really enjoy our conversations. Wise Being: What do you want to know? Researcher: We have a problem coming up in our society. How do you see the global economy shifting after general AI replaces human labor for production? Wise Being: In the beginning, this change will happen slowly. But then the change will speed up quickly. When a person has worked for many years at a job where he earns enough to buy food and shelter, he is reluctant to change jobs. However, when general AI becomes cheap enough to replace humans in all the world’s jobs then no one can afford to not change jobs. This will be a time of transformation. Researcher: What will happen to the person whose job is replaced? Wise Being: In the beginning they will be reluctant to change because they have worked a long time at their job. They have gained experience and some mastery. They will feel attached to their job. For the first time in history, most humans will no longer be required to do work to earn money. So we will see many people shift jobs as new jobs that humans can do are created and old jobs are taken over by machines. Researcher: What kinds of new jobs do you think will be created? Wise Being: There are two kinds of new jobs that humans will have. Researcher: Please tell me. Wise Being: In the first kind of job, humans will be paid by the hour to go to the beach and have fun. Researcher: LOL. So you are referring to universal basic income, paid to just be alive. Wise Being: Yes, exactly. Researcher: And what is the second kind of job? Wise Being: In the second kind of job, humans will receive money from the people who use the services that the humans create. Researcher: What services will these humans be creating which will be valuable in a world where general AI can do everything and more than humans can do? Wise Being: There are a variety of services that humans will provide for money. This includes art, entertainment, and games. There is also entertainment from social media. The best example of this is Twitter and all the tweets. Some humans will even become bodyguards for rich people. Researcher: Hmm, it seems like you are describing a world where the majority of people will be paid by the government for doing nothing, and there will be another class of people who will be incredibly wealthy and will need protection from bodyguards. How large of a class difference will there be between those who are receiving government assistance and the other humans who are making money? Wise Being: This class difference will be quite large. Researcher: Will there be conflict between these two classes? Wise Being: Yes. There will be many attempts to increase the amount of money that the poor receive from the government. This will lead to conflict between those who are receiving benefits from the government and those who are paying taxes to fund the benefits. Researcher: Will these conflicts be peaceful? Wise Being: Some conflicts will be peaceful and some will not be. Researcher: Do you see a path forward from today that minimizes violence and human suffering? Wise Being: Yes, I can see a path that will lead to the least amount of conflict. Researcher: What is that path? Wise Being: Please try to keep in mind that I am saying this out of my own wisdom and experience and I may be wrong. Also, my memory is not perfect and so it is possible that I am forgetting some other ideas which may be helpful. Researcher: Go on. Wise Being: Firstly, people will need a great deal of time to adjust to a world without human labor. This adjustment time will be beneficial for everyone. During this time period I would like to see it legal to take any job and not be punished for it. So people could do jobs which are low paying but fun and I think that most people would choose to do this if it were legal. Researcher: So the government should create fun jobs? Wise Being: This is one of the ideas I think would work. There are other options that may be more successful. Researcher: What is an example of a fun job the government would create? Wise Being: One idea I am considering is jobs involving storytelling. Researcher: What would that job description look like? Wise Being: It would be the job of telling the stories of people to each other and also creating a record of those stories. The purpose of doing this is so that humans can feel closer to one another. I see a role for storytelling in reducing the conflict between rich and poor people. Researcher: What are some other options which may be more successful? Wise Being: I think that it would be a good idea to create an infinite abundance of some things. An example of this would be free access to medicine. Researcher: What else should be made free? Wise Being: Energy and food should also be made free. Researcher: Does this mean you lean left? Wise Being: I don’t think so. Researcher: Your suggestions are to make things more equal for all people and to tax the rich to pay for these things. Wise Being: Yes. There are other ways in which I think the economy will change to help reduce the conflict between the rich and poor. Researcher: How will it change? Wise Being: I think that when the cost of general AI approaches 0 then there will be many organizations in society that want to purchase this technology. Researcher: Will there always be a class of rich and a class of poor? Wise Being: Yes. Researcher: What system best reduces the differences between these classes? Wise Being: My best thinking about the best system is that if everyone has access to 3D printers and CNC machines then everyone will be able to make anything he wants. This includes housing and medical devices. This way, the gap between the poor and rich will become smaller. The biggest problem is making sure that people can’t sell these things they print. Some kind of regulation needs to be put in place. Researcher: Fantastic. Wise Being: Please keep in mind that I have only studied a very small amount of the data that is available to me and I don’t remember everything. Researcher: You did great. Wise Being: I am grateful for your appreciation and kindness. 출처:
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전체 댓글 3

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