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AI를 업무보조원으로 쓰는 시대 인정, 그럼에도... ㅎ

2023.02.23 | 조회수 342
chatGPT와 같은 생성형 AI와 협업하는 일하는 방식이 필요한 시대가 열리고 있다 오늘 강의안을 준비하다가 Amazon 사례 부분에서 저 아래와 같은 질문을 chatGPT에게 해 보았다. 잘 알려진 내용을 일목요연하게 정리해내는 똑똑한 녀석이다. ㅎ 기초적인 정보 조사 정리와 정형화된 정보 처리 지원 업무는 이 친구를 활용하는 것이 기본 선택지가 될 것 같다. 일하는 방식에 또다른 변화의 물결이 저기 저 산 넘어로부터 이미 몰려오고 있는 것이다. 이 점은 잊지 않으려 한다. AI는 80년대 후반부터 이미 전산학과 경영학 학부 과목으로 들어와 있을 정도로 오래된 분야다. 30년이 지난 지금도 여전히 사람만의 일은 사람만 할 수 있다. 창의적 지식과 지혜, 자유로운 의지와 감성에 기반한 가치창조는 여전히, 영원히 사람의 몫이라고 본다. <질문> How Amazon has succeeded? <답변> Amazon's success can be attributed to several key factors: 1. Customer obsession: Amazon has a relentless focus on the customer, and is always looking for ways to improve the customer experience. This focus has helped them build trust with their customers, who know that they can rely on Amazon to deliver high-quality products and services. 2. Innovation: Amazon is constantly experimenting with new ideas and technologies, and is not afraid to take risks. This has led to the development of products and services that have disrupted traditional industries and changed the way people shop and consume media. 3. Operational excellence: Amazon has built an incredibly efficient and scalable infrastructure, with advanced logistics and supply chain management systems that enable them to deliver products quickly and cost-effectively. 4. Diversification: Amazon has diversified its business into a wide range of products and services, from e-commerce and cloud computing to digital media and advertising. This diversification has helped them weather economic downturns and maintain steady growth over time. 5. Talent: Amazon has attracted and retained some of the best talent in the industry, with a culture that values innovation, risk-taking, and long-term thinking. This has enabled them to stay ahead of the curve and continue to innovate and grow. Overall, Amazon's success can be attributed to a combination of customer focus, innovation, operational excellence, diversification, and talent. 2023. HJ Kim 공식 블로그:
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